“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” - Arthur C. Clarke

Hi, I’m Marily

Originally Greek, based in Silicon Valley, passionate about all things tech, AI & Product. In 2014, I completed a PhD in Machine Learning at Imperial College London and then joined Google where I worked as an AI Product Manager for 8 years. I now work at Meta. Outside of my day job I help Aspiring Product Managers pave their path to Technical and Artificial Intelligence Product Management, regardless of background. I used Epidemiology to explain how content goes ‘viral’ online.
Join my upcoming AI Product Management Cohort on Maven


Creating communities

I strongly believe in the power of community for advancing and empowering people in tech to thrive. Join the Product discord.


For my contributions to technology and community I have received:

  • 2020’s 40 under 40 accolade

  • 2018’s Woman of the Year Award (by everywoman)

  • 2015’s WISE Influence Award by Women in Science & Engineering

My YouTube